About This Site

What is this? 

This site chronicles one thing per calendar day that Donald Trump did on that day, or directly caused through his subordinates. It generally updates late in the day, or the following morning. (Sometimes Donald Trump does things late at night!)

There is also a Bluesky page leading back to the day's entry, if you're into the whole brevity thing. (During Trump's first term, it was a Twitter page, but, well, you know.)

Who is it for? 

Anyone who is curious what Donald Trump did on any given day. It may be most useful for those who fit into one or more of the following categories:
  • People who need to limit the amount of news they hear about Donald Trump on a daily basis.
  • People who are willing and able to hear a critical perspective on Donald Trump, even if they voted for him.
  • People who want to reassure themselves that this is really happening.

You're always saying what he did is bad. What if he did something good?

He's got people to tell you about it when that happens.

What are your criteria for deciding that something is bad? 

100% of Americans agree on 0% of the issues, but there are a lot of things that aren't really that controversial. Kicking puppies is bad, even if you could imagine a hypothetical situation in which it was urgently necessary for the good of the world that Donald Trump kick a puppy. 

As a rule, if the average Trump voter would probably agree that something was bad in general (for example, if Hillary Clinton had done it), this page will treat it as bad. Causing international diplomatic incidents is bad. Nepotism is bad. Tax evasion is bad.

This page never assumes that one side of a mainstream policy debate (unions, abortion restrictions, raising or lowering taxes, etc.) is "bad." 

You said that Trump "lied" about something, but the source you're citing calls it a "misstatement" or an "error." 

If someone said

"Florida is on the west coast"

you'd probably call her a liar, because virtually anyone would agree that Florida is in fact on the east coast, and there's no way she couldn't know that. But she could easily create doubt about whether she was deliberately deceiving by saying any of the following things:

"I thought you said 'Oregon,' not Florida."

"Florida is thousands of miles west of the west coast of Africa, and it's a coast; ergo, west coast."

"If California is on the west coast because it has the Pacific Ocean to the west, then Florida is on the west coast because it has the Gulf of Mexico to its west."

"I thought we were talking about the rapper Flo-Rida, who is currently touring on the west coast."

"I misspoke."

None of these would make the original statement correct, but now she has at least a paper-thin claim that she was not lying. This makes it virtually impossible to prove that any statement is a lie in the sense of being untrue in all conceivable contexts or in any imaginable sense of the words used. And yet there is such a thing as lying.

This site will use the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard for whether a statement by Donald Trump that contradicts the facts as he knew them is a lie. In other words, it will call Donald Trump a liar a lot less often than he calls himself one.

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